Terima Hakikat Kita Tidak Kuat

November 24, 2017

Finally a recipe for success. Saya follow ni - "When I Accepted I Cannot Control My Body With Chronic Illness"

Saya follow cara ini semasa my daughter had bad eczema.

Now having Chronic Fatigue...flares of Uticaria...Osteoarthritis..you know my tongkat is still there. I know I might need it some days. It doesn't matter.

I go out walaupun I know when I come back I am like mushy peas...and never get out of bed for days. Sebagai orang Islam patutnya kita lebih baik and bagus at handling deliberating stuff in our life - Allah puts us dalam situasi ni for a reason.

EMBRACE it. Stop dwelling on the what nots you dont have - tengok kawan travel, ko rasa SAD for yourself. That's not the lesson Allah wants you to learn.

"This body is the only one I will ever have, and together we are traversing hard territory that no one prepared us for.

I choose to believe there is a lesson within this experience, although I don’t yet know what it is. Maybe it is to continually find my center within my body no matter how my body feels. Maybe it is to have more empathy and compassion for those who also struggle with health issues. Maybe it is to love and accept my body with all its external flaws along with it’s angry nervous system and systemic inflammation.

Maybe it’s the experience of continually surrendering to the unexplained detours life guides us through and admitting powerlessness in the process.
Despite the pain, I will continue to search for peace within my body and love it for everything it can
achieve, even if it is something as simple as putting my feet on the floor."

I told Syasya today...in your life there comes a time when the only people that matter and will help you is your dad, me, kakak and mimi. Stop being angry at mimi for the things she cant do - being angry makes your sick. (because Syasya ni is the perfectionist in our family and tends to be easily frustrated at small thing)

YOUNG LIVING BELIEVE : titis atas kepala kalau rasa perlukan sedikit kekukatan

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